Support the Mission

There are two ways to support Katie in her ministry and mission. First, you can support the United Methodist University of Sierra Leone which goes to support the running and expansion of the UMUSL. Second, you can support Katie as Missionary which goes to living and housing costs.

Give to United Methodist University Sierra Leone

Giving to the Education Fund is a two-step process. It is very important to follow both steps so that it is clear where you intend the funds to be given.

Step 1 — Give to the Undesignated Sierra Leone Advance #00387A

Give Online:
Give online to the Undesignated Sierra Leone Advance #00387A at the bottom of the page.

Give By Phone:
Credit card gifts can be accepted by phone. The telephone number is: ‪888-252-6174 toll-free.

Give By Mail:
Make your check payable to ADVANCE GCFA. Write the name of the ministry and the Advance code number (#00387A) on the memo line of the check.

Send your check to:
Advance GCFA
P.O. Box 9068 
New York, NY 10087-9068.

Step 2 — Let US know you gave!!!!

This step is very important. Send an email to three addresses (below) with the title “I gave to the United Methodist University of Sierra Leone”.  Include the date that you gave, how much you gave and how you gave in the contents of the email.  This will ensure that the money is used for its designated purpose and improve clarity and communication between the missionary, Global Ministries, and the University Administration.


Give to Katie as Missionary

Giving to Katie as missionary goes for salary support not only for Katie, but enables Global Ministries to support missionaries from everywhere to everywhere.

Give Through the Advance

You can give in Katie's name to support missionaries across the globe by giving to Advance #3022393 at bottom of Katie’s Global Ministries Missionary Page.

Establish a Covenant Relationship

Individuals, small groups, and congregations can establish a Covenant Relationship with Katie.  This Covenant Relationship includes support through regular communication, mutual prayer and a financial commitment.  As you fill the form, you will need her Advance #3022393.

Other Ways to Give

Get Involved

Katie is working as a lecturer at the United Methodist University Sierra Leone. Are you a professor? You can join her work by partnering with the University to teach a course.  Are you a teacher? You can help train local teachers during the summer months.

Want to expand to other things? The opportunities to participate in God's Kingdom-building work in Sierra Leone are vast and varied.  There are many United Methodist hospitals throughout the country in which teams can come and serve. Support the women’s training center in Bo, which teaches work skills to at-risk women. Keep children well fed through the Child Rescue Center’s village outreach programs. Support the UMC prison ministry where Christian programs of counseling, Bible study, and life skills education take place every week.  If you would like details about how you can be involved in these and many more ways, contact Katie.


John Wesley wrote "God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it."  All of life is lived well through prayer.  Your prayers are so needed and appreciated.